South Hams Chess Club
South Hams Chess Club

Torbay Chess League Division 2

South Hams Chess Club fields a team in Division 2 of the Torbay Chess League. This entails home and away matches against Newton Abbot and Torbay. Games played in the TDCL are submitted to the ECF grading database.

In this division, teams consist of four players, and the maximum team grade is Under 540.  The rate of play is 60 minutes plus 30 seconds per move (starting from move 1).  The away team has white on the odd-numbered boards.

Please visit the Torbay Chess League web page for further information on Division 1, and our fixtures and results page for the full list of the club's fixtures in the current season.

Fixtures and Results

You can apply a filter to the fixtures by typing into the Search box. For example, if you type Torb then only the fixtures against Torbay will be displayed.

Click on a match score to view the game results for the match concerned. If the word "Report" appears against a particular match, then when you view the game results you will also see the match report.

Monday16 Oct 2017TCL Division 2Div2TorbaySouth HamsW1-3Report
Thursday16 Nov 2017TCL Division 2Div2Newton AbbotSouth HamsL2½-1½Report
Thursday04 Jan 2018TCL Division 2Div2South HamsNewton AbbotL1½-2½Report
Thursday12 Apr 2018TCL Division 2Div2South HamsTorbayW2½-1½

Individual Player Statistics

Here are the current player statistics for South Hams players in Division 2 during the 2017-18 season:

NameGradeECFPWDLAve OpPerf%Pts
Levy, Steve179134450L101018818850.00.5
Willcox, Chris111308555H2002111610.00.0
Peach, Cliff106116851E101010810850.00.5
McConnell, Phil128285386D431012316187.53.5
Wilkinson, Ben138162703L312013915666.72.0
Archer, David154300734A310215513933.31.0
Schofield, James156310014F10011611110.00.0

Overall Team Statistics

Matches Played:4
Matches Won:2
Matches Drawn:0
Matches Lost:2
Match Points:4
Average South Hams Team Rating:531.8
Average Opponents' Team Rating:527.3

TCL Division 2: Torbay v South Hams 16 Oct 2017

Bd Torbay Col Rating ECF Result South Hams Col Rating ECF PGN
1 Wilson, Matt B 161 128713J 0-1 Archer, David W 154 300734A Submit
2 Mills, Nathan W 139 272540L ½-½ Wilkinson, Ben B 138 162703L View
3 Ariss, John B 115 152122G 0-1 McConnell, Phil W 128 285386D View
4 Doidge, Charles W 108 109767C ½-½ Peach, Cliff B 106 116851E View
Overall Match5231-3526
Bd Torbay Grade Res South Hams Grade PGN
1 Wilson, Matt 161 0-1 Archer, David 154 Submit
2 Mills, Nathan 139 ½-½ Wilkinson, Ben 138 View
3 Ariss, John 115 0-1 McConnell, Phil 128 View
4 Doidge, Charles 108 ½-½ Peach, Cliff 106 View
Overall Match5231-3526

Match Report

Author:  Phil McConnell

Date:  18 Oct 2017

An excellent and quick win for David - he set up a tricky tactical situation in the early middle game, where Matt blundered a rook and resigned immediately.
On Board 2, Ben had less space than his opponent in the opening, but fought back to achieve parity. His decision to take a draw was very much due to team rather than individual considerations - looking at Boards 3 and 4, Ben felt confident that South Hams would get at least one point from them, so his half point would secure the team win.
On Board 3, Phil went up by the exchange and a pawn early on, but John fought back with a sacrificial counter-attack in which Phil's king was chased from one flank to the other. But once Phil got his king to a square where it couldn't be checked, he had a swift mating attack on the Black king.
On Board 4, fortunes swung first to Charles and then to Cliff, who had chances to force a win. However, with both players under pressure form the clock, we were delighted with a draw to set up a 3-1 team victory.
A great start to the 2017-18 season in Division 2.

TCL Division 2: Newton Abbot v South Hams 16 Nov 2017

Bd Newton Abbot Col Rating ECF Result South Hams Col Rating ECF PGN
1 Kinder, Andrew B 147 162701G 1-0 Archer, David W 154 300734A View
2 Blackmore, Josh W 143 290737K ½-½ Wilkinson, Ben B 138 162703L View
3 Taylor, Wilf B 136 182650F 0-1 McConnell, Phil W 128 285386D View
4 Hussey, Mike W 111 277498H 1-0 Willcox, Chris B 111 308555H View
Overall Match5372½-1½531
Bd Newton Abbot Grade Res South Hams Grade PGN
1 Kinder, Andrew 147 1-0 Archer, David 154 View
2 Blackmore, Josh 143 ½-½ Wilkinson, Ben 138 View
3 Taylor, Wilf 136 0-1 McConnell, Phil 128 View
4 Hussey, Mike 111 1-0 Willcox, Chris 111 View
Overall Match5372½-1½531

Match Report

Author:  Phil McConnell

Date:  16 Nov 2017

On paper, these two teams were closely matched.

First to finish was Board 4, but unfortunately I didn't see any of it, so the report on Chris's defeat will have to wait until Chris posts it on the database.

Next to finish was Board 2. Ben settled for the draw very reluctantly, because he felt he had the better position but simply couldn't find a way through to force a win.

Next to finish was Board 3, where Phil chased his opponent's king all over the board, and entered the end game two rooks up - a queen, two rooks and 4 pawns against a queen and 3 pawns. Sounds straightforward, but Phil had to be careful to avoid perpetual check - which he managed to do.

So, with David continung to play on board 1, it was 1½ - 1½. Unfortunately, when I looked at the board, I soon realised it was hopeless - David was a rook and a pawn down (apparently he'd blundered twice earlier), and not even David could come up with an ingenious fight-back.

So, congrratulations to Newton Abbot on a good win. This result means that all three teams in Division 2 have Played 2, Won 1, Lost 1. It should be an intresting second half of the season...

TCL Division 2: South Hams v Newton Abbot 4 Jan 2018

Bd South Hams Col Rating ECF Result Newton Abbot Col Rating ECF PGN
1 Archer, David B 154 300734A 0-1 Brusey, Alan W 158 107557D View
2 Wilkinson, Ben W 138 162703L 1-0 Taylor, Wilf B 136 182650F View
3 McConnell, Phil B 128 285386D ½-½ Allen, John W 134 264751F View
4 Willcox, Chris W 111 308555H 0-1 Hussey, Michael B 111 277498H View
Overall Match5311½-2½539
Bd South Hams Grade Res Newton Abbot Grade PGN
1 Archer, David 154 0-1 Brusey, Alan 158 View
2 Wilkinson, Ben 138 1-0 Taylor, Wilf 136 View
3 McConnell, Phil 128 ½-½ Allen, John 134 View
4 Willcox, Chris 111 0-1 Hussey, Michael 111 View
Overall Match5311½-2½539

Match Report

Author:  Phil McConnell

Date:  13 Jan 2018

On Board 1, David was squeezed from the outset by his very strong opponent, and lost his queen on move move 22. He fought on for nearly another 20 moves - "for the practice", he said!

On Board 2, Ben was down by quite a margin when his opponent unxpectedly blundered. Checkmate in one!

Board 3 was an exciting game, with Phil defending for about 30 moves before enginnering what should have been a winning advantage. A draw was a fair result in the end.

On Board 4, Chris's opponent played very well, taking full advantage when Chris decided to capture a "hot pawn"!

Congratulations to Newton Abbot on a good win. To retain our title, South Hams will need to (a) win our last game against Torbay, and (b) hope that Torbay win thier final game against Newton Abbot (but not by too much!).

TCL Division 2: South Hams v Torbay 12 Apr 2018

Bd South Hams Col Rating ECF Result Torbay Col Rating ECF PGN
1 Levy, Steve B 179 134450L ½-½ Ross-Andrews, Graham W 188 312980K View
2 Schofield, James W 156 310014F 0-1 Wilson, Matt B 161 128713J Submit
3 McConnell, Phil B 128 285386D 1-0 Doidge, Charles W 108 109767C View
4 Belli, John W 76 300901E 1-D Lewis, Tom B 53 313743A Submit
Overall Match5392½-1½510
Bd South Hams Grade Res Torbay Grade PGN
1 Levy, Steve 179 ½-½ Ross-Andrews, Graham 188 View
2 Schofield, James 156 0-1 Wilson, Matt 161 Submit
3 McConnell, Phil 128 1-0 Doidge, Charles 108 View
4 Belli, John 76 1-D Lewis, Tom 53 Submit
Overall Match5392½-1½510

Overall Team Statistics

Matches Played:4
Matches Won:2
Matches Drawn:0
Matches Lost:2
Match Points:4
Average South Hams Team Grade:531.8
Average Opponents Team Grade:527.3

TCL Division 2: Torbay v South Hams 16 Oct 2017

Bd Torbay Col Grade ECF Result South Hams Col Grade ECF PGN
1 Wilson, Matt B 161 128713J 0-1 Archer, David W 154 300734A Submit
2 Mills, Nathan W 139 272540L ½-½ Wilkinson, Ben B 138 162703L View
3 Ariss, John B 115 152122G 0-1 McConnell, Phil W 128 285386D View
4 Doidge, Charles W 108 109767C ½-½ Peach, Cliff B 106 116851E View
Overall Match5231-3526
Bd Torbay Grade Res South Hams Grade PGN
1 Wilson, Matt 161 0-1 Archer, David 154 Submit
2 Mills, Nathan 139 ½-½ Wilkinson, Ben 138 View
3 Ariss, John 115 0-1 McConnell, Phil 128 View
4 Doidge, Charles 108 ½-½ Peach, Cliff 106 View
Overall Match5231-3526

Match Report

Author:  Phil McConnell

Date:  18 Oct 2017

An excellent and quick win for David - he set up a tricky tactical situation in the early middle game, where Matt blundered a rook and resigned immediately.
On Board 2, Ben had less space than his opponent in the opening, but fought back to achieve parity. His decision to take a draw was very much due to team rather than individual considerations - looking at Boards 3 and 4, Ben felt confident that South Hams would get at least one point from them, so his half point would secure the team win.
On Board 3, Phil went up by the exchange and a pawn early on, but John fought back with a sacrificial counter-attack in which Phil's king was chased from one flank to the other. But once Phil got his king to a square where it couldn't be checked, he had a swift mating attack on the Black king.
On Board 4, fortunes swung first to Charles and then to Cliff, who had chances to force a win. However, with both players under pressure form the clock, we were delighted with a draw to set up a 3-1 team victory.
A great start to the 2017-18 season in Division 2.

TCL Division 2: Newton Abbot v South Hams 16 Nov 2017

Bd Newton Abbot Col Grade ECF Result South Hams Col Grade ECF PGN
1 Kinder, Andrew B 147 162701G 1-0 Archer, David W 154 300734A View
2 Blackmore, Josh W 143 290737K ½-½ Wilkinson, Ben B 138 162703L View
3 Taylor, Wilf B 136 182650F 0-1 McConnell, Phil W 128 285386D View
4 Hussey, Mike W 111 277498H 1-0 Willcox, Chris B 111 308555H View
Overall Match5372½-1½531
Bd Newton Abbot Grade Res South Hams Grade PGN
1 Kinder, Andrew 147 1-0 Archer, David 154 View
2 Blackmore, Josh 143 ½-½ Wilkinson, Ben 138 View
3 Taylor, Wilf 136 0-1 McConnell, Phil 128 View
4 Hussey, Mike 111 1-0 Willcox, Chris 111 View
Overall Match5372½-1½531

Match Report

Author:  Phil McConnell

Date:  16 Nov 2017

On paper, these two teams were closely matched.

First to finish was Board 4, but unfortunately I didn't see any of it, so the report on Chris's defeat will have to wait until Chris posts it on the database.

Next to finish was Board 2. Ben settled for the draw very reluctantly, because he felt he had the better position but simply couldn't find a way through to force a win.

Next to finish was Board 3, where Phil chased his opponent's king all over the board, and entered the end game two rooks up - a queen, two rooks and 4 pawns against a queen and 3 pawns. Sounds straightforward, but Phil had to be careful to avoid perpetual check - which he managed to do.

So, with David continung to play on board 1, it was 1½ - 1½. Unfortunately, when I looked at the board, I soon realised it was hopeless - David was a rook and a pawn down (apparently he'd blundered twice earlier), and not even David could come up with an ingenious fight-back.

So, congrratulations to Newton Abbot on a good win. This result means that all three teams in Division 2 have Played 2, Won 1, Lost 1. It should be an intresting second half of the season...

TCL Division 2: South Hams v Newton Abbot 4 Jan 2018

Bd South Hams Col Grade ECF Result Newton Abbot Col Grade ECF PGN
1 Archer, David B 154 300734A 0-1 Brusey, Alan W 158 107557D View
2 Wilkinson, Ben W 138 162703L 1-0 Taylor, Wilf B 136 182650F View
3 McConnell, Phil B 128 285386D ½-½ Allen, John W 134 264751F View
4 Willcox, Chris W 111 308555H 0-1 Hussey, Michael B 111 277498H View
Overall Match5311½-2½539
Bd South Hams Grade Res Newton Abbot Grade PGN
1 Archer, David 154 0-1 Brusey, Alan 158 View
2 Wilkinson, Ben 138 1-0 Taylor, Wilf 136 View
3 McConnell, Phil 128 ½-½ Allen, John 134 View
4 Willcox, Chris 111 0-1 Hussey, Michael 111 View
Overall Match5311½-2½539

Match Report

Author:  Phil McConnell

Date:  13 Jan 2018

On Board 1, David was squeezed from the outset by his very strong opponent, and lost his queen on move move 22. He fought on for nearly another 20 moves - "for the practice", he said!

On Board 2, Ben was down by quite a margin when his opponent unxpectedly blundered. Checkmate in one!

Board 3 was an exciting game, with Phil defending for about 30 moves before enginnering what should have been a winning advantage. A draw was a fair result in the end.

On Board 4, Chris's opponent played very well, taking full advantage when Chris decided to capture a "hot pawn"!

Congratulations to Newton Abbot on a good win. To retain our title, South Hams will need to (a) win our last game against Torbay, and (b) hope that Torbay win thier final game against Newton Abbot (but not by too much!).

TCL Division 2: South Hams v Torbay 12 Apr 2018

Bd South Hams Col Grade ECF Result Torbay Col Grade ECF PGN
1 Levy, Steve B 179 134450L ½-½ Ross-Andrews, Graham W 188 312980K View
2 Schofield, James W 156 310014F 0-1 Wilson, Matt B 161 128713J Submit
3 McConnell, Phil B 128 285386D 1-0 Doidge, Charles W 108 109767C View
4 Belli, John W 76 300901E 1-D Lewis, Tom B 53 313743A Submit
Overall Match5392½-1½510
Bd South Hams Grade Res Torbay Grade PGN
1 Levy, Steve 179 ½-½ Ross-Andrews, Graham 188 View
2 Schofield, James 156 0-1 Wilson, Matt 161 Submit
3 McConnell, Phil 128 1-0 Doidge, Charles 108 View
4 Belli, John 76 1-D Lewis, Tom 53 Submit
Overall Match5392½-1½510